Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Do You Need To Say Sorry

At various times in our lives, they will do something to hurt anyone else, even if it is not intentionally. When we have completed something to hurt a mate or anyone close to us, they must make an hard work to make things right again. way to do this is to tell your mate that you are sorry for what happened. There will be times when a simple, I am sorry I will be all that as needed & there will be times where your apology needs to be more thorough.

Here is how to say sorry to a mate.

Step 1.
Admit that you were wrong. Accepting your actions & admitting that you were the who did wrong will show your mate that you are sorry for what you have completed. You need to be willing to acknowledge that you were to blame & take responsibility for what happened.

Step 2.
Be specific. Apologies are not a time to be vague or generalize. In case you lied to your mate, apologize specifically for lying & for what happened due to you lying to them.

Step 3.
Promise not to do it again. Whatever it is you did to hurt your mate, be positive not to let it happen again. In case you do the same thing again then you are not showing that you are truly sorry for your actions. Your promise not to hurt your mate again has to be backed up by your actions.

Step 4.
Buy them a card or present to say you are sorry. While you can't always buy a person as forgiveness or affection, sometimes a card or gift can help you to express yourself & show your mate that you are truly apologetic & require to make things right between you again. In case you damaged property or property of theirs, it is only right to offer some type of restitution to pay for any damages completed.

Step 5.
Know what to leave out of your apology. Don't try to blame your mate for your actions even in case you feel their actions may have contributed or caused a number of yours. You need to think about your friend as feelings & understand that they are hurting due to something that you did.

Step 6.
Let your mate know how much the friendship means to you. Everyone makes mistakes but being able to admit your mistakes & apologize for them is a step in the right direction. Ask for forgiveness, be honest in your apology, & give your mate time to deal with their own emotions & think about your apology. If your mate doesn't accept your apology & refuses to forgive you, you don't must over the burden of your wrongdoing because you apologized & tried to make things right.


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